Easy Chicken Kebabs

Easy chicken kebabs, so satisfying and never failed you. YUM 😀
Als,o we enjoyed these kebabs with saffron rice and plain yogurt. Especially with a grill pan, these kebabs are so easy to prepare and effortless. The smell of saffron and  grill bell pepper is divine and you are going to love them.
In less than 30 minutes you have tasty and flavorful kebabs, who can say NO ! 😀

Furthermore,e if you can’t find good quality saffron threads just substitute with turmeric powder.

If you like simple but tasty  kebabs have a look at grilled lamb kebabs, they are so juicy and tender.

Easy Chicken Kebabs

Chicken Kebabs in Grill pan

Enjoy 🙂



[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj0bYjcwWPM”]



Chicken Kebabs